Mathieu Bertrand Sebastien Grimaldi Себастьен держится спокойно и приветливо, как того требуют правила поведения, привитые с самого детства. Всех детей в замке с ранних лет учат как говорить, как себя вести, как одеваться и что делать, чтобы соответствовать статусу. К счастью, за последние два поколения многие политики пересмотрели и жить стало проще. Во многом это заслуга бабушки Себастьена, которая настойчиво продвигала более современные взгляды вопреки всем, кто был против. new year's miracle 22.04 После долгого затишья возвращаемся красивыми и с шикарным видео от Ифы. Узнать, где выразить благодарность дизайнерам и погрузиться в потрясающую атмосферу видео можно тут
19.05 Новый сюжетный персонаж и видео читать далее
07.04 Не пропустите, идет запись в мафию. Будет весело!
08.03 Милые дамы, небольшая лотерея в честь вашего праздника! Каждую ждет букет и кое-что еще :)
19.02 Не забыли, какой сегодня день? Да-да, нам три года!
19.11 Давненько мы не меняли внешний облик, правда? И мы так считаем. Помимо нового дизайна, вас ждет еще много интересного
Frankaoifebellatrix май — июнь 1980 года

Daily Prophet: Fear of the Dark

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[XX.XX.XXXX] the journey is the destination

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«Trust the Doctor»
The Doctor, The Companion

Дата: Anytime
Локация: Anywhere

Another place needs saving and Doctor can't do it without a companion.



He knew exactly where to land the TARDIS and how to find the place he needed. He hasn't been there for a very long time, yet, he moved quickly and with no shadow of hesitation as a person who does not need any guidance. The clogged streets of modern-day London welcomed him with the shout of drivers who knew exactly who was the moron here and were not afraid to tell it to the world. He was ignoring the busy talk of people, cars, birds who discussed their urgent matters. He had a specific goal and he needed to see one person in the whole world who could help him. The person who would still be glad to see him after everything. He hoped this person would.
His companion, to whom he said goodbye a long time ago, was a person he always trusted. Not only with his life in the dangerous adventures but with the key to the TARDIS which was—and is—the most valuable thing in his life. He hoped the key is still somewhere in the pocket or even in the wallet. It is where people keep the most important things in their lives, aren't they?  Of course, he did not know exactly. He was trying to be positive but a lot of time has passed, and everything might have been changed. But the time is a very relative matter, it is the thing he knew better than everyone else on this planet. Or another.
So, he knew exactly where to land the TARDIS and how to find the place he needed. He had been landing there a thousand times and it did not matter that it all ended a long time ago. For him, the bond with the companions never weakens.
On his way inside the ordinary block of flats where the companion lived, he hesitated for a moment trying to find the right words. Exactly at this moment someone painfully bumped into him. He looked up.
'Get out of the way, kid,' the big guy said. They were standing right in front of the door. The big guy grinned and seized his shoulder, trying to force him to move. No. He could not do that. Even if he looked like a ten-year-old kid, it did not mean someone could be mean to him. To him or to an average ten-year-old kid. Especially to a ten-year-old kid. He knew the planet where being a ten-year-old really made you special.
'Don't,' he said with a quiet and calm voice. He grabbed the arm of the big guy and forced him to duck near him simply pulling his hand without any effort. The big guy almost fell on the floor.
'This is not really nice, you know,' he said and let go of the big guy's arm.
'I'll show you what is nice,' the big guy growled. He tried to seize him once again but he was faster and quickly grabbed the big guy's arm and ensured the next second he was on the floor with the most surprised expression on his face.
'Who the hell are you?' the big guy whispered.
'I am the Doctor,' he replied peacefully. 'Do you happen to know if the inhabitant of apartment number three is home?'
The big guy stood up and quickly walked away leaving the question unanswered. The Doctor shrugged his shoulders and headed to the stairs. Anyway, he could find it out himself, not rocket science. He was just trying to make a conversation.
At the door of the companion's apartment, he did not hesitate as he did not have time for that after the little talk with the big guy. He knocked three times and waited for the door to open, then stepped forward.
'I need you, my friend,' he said. 'We've been through everything, and more. Remember? It means a lot, actually. To me, it is the most important thing in the world. I know I can trust you. That is why I need you to help me.'
He almost forgot he regenerated but he saw it in the companion's eyes. He grinned. Yeah, the ten-year-old boy in front of you talking rubbish is probably not the thing you expect first thing in the morning.
'I know I look different now but I am still the Doctor. And I need your help.'
He looked at the companion firmly, with the eyes of a thousand-year-old.
'Come with me. Please.'
[icon][/icon][nick]The Doctor[/nick][status]to infinity and beyond[/status]

Отредактировано Eddie Fawcett (2019-01-13 02:55:52)



A tall dark-haired man was staring at the folder before him. It had bad news. The cover had the name on it - Theodora MacAlister. The name was partially scratched out with a pink crayon, leaving only “Theo”. Everyone in this place adored that girl, they even let her decorate her room when she knew she would stay here for a while. Theo was everyone’s favorite. There was something about her. Mayne it was her spirit, or her bravery, or her sharp tongue. He didn’t know what about her made everyone admire her. But she was sitting in front of him, across the table and stared at the window, thinking god knows what.
She always knew this day was coming. She knew it since she was what? Eight? That half-forgotten time when she was a whole person. Now she was missing a few pieces, but it was hard to tell as she was keen on baggy jeans and hoodies. That change in style was relatively new. All she could do is try to seem normal, so her mother could get a chance to forget for a few minutes. And her step douche of a father would not stare.
‘Are you listening, Theo?’ Doctor’s voice stabbed her like a needle. She looked at him and smiled. Probably, that surprised him. Not many people smile after receiving such bad news.
‘Aye, Gabe, I heard ye’. She was wondering, if she was the only patient who called him by first name. – ‘Me answer is no. No more.’ Her voice was not breaking, she was as calm as she could have been. Unlike Gabe, who seemed upset by her decision. He took off his glasses and pressed hard with his palms against the eyes.
‘But we can try harder, we can get you into some fancy trial.’ Gabe should get a medal for being ready to fight even when the odds are not in the favor. He is the one to go above and beyond. Maybe that’s why he left pediatrics when Theo became too old, to keep monitoring her. To keep being her doctor. She felt like she owed him an explanation.
‘Look Gabe, the whole time me life has been all about near misses. You gave me two years when we met. Then, with the meningitis thing, you told me mum I would not wake up. Then, every single time, ye gave me a little bit more time. I have seen amazing things, truly.’ She smiled with that weird smile she had every time she thought of the other Doctor. The one she had an adventure of the lifetime with. ‘Whit’s fur ye’ll no go past ye’. Usually she tried not to be to Scottish around him, but she didn’t know the English variation of the phrase. Basically, it meant something like what’s meant to happen will do so, but it sounded way better in Scottish slang. ‘Dinna fash, it is time, Gabe. I am tired. I want the last good weeks or whatever I have left, for meself. Seeing great things, doing something awesome. And puking me guts out and getting bold is not awesome. I know ye have a thing for bold girls rushing to the bucket, trying not to throw up on the floor, but I willna indulge ye anymore.’ Gabe laughed and sat back in his chair. He had that exact chair for as long as Theo could remember. It was posh, with dark mahogany leather and wooden arm holds. It fit him. Gabriel Alexander Woodhouse the third, honorable, was posh by all standards. The way he looked, the way he talked, the way his name sounded. Theo still had no idea what the stupid title “honorable” meant. When you are in and out the hospitals, it’s hard to keep in sync with school stuff, so, British peerage system was sort of unfamiliar.
‘Is there anything else, besides my med skills, that can be of use to you?’ He straightened up and looked at her. The same way he looked at her for years. It made her realize how much she will miss him.
‘Okay, I am playing the terminally ill card on ye so ye canna shut me up, Gabe. First of all, this’. She lifted a bag from the floor and put it on the table. The bag made a weird sound as she unzipped it. The furry head poked through the opening and started curiously sniffing everything around. ‘Ye are taking the Bear with ye. And before ye start the talk on hospital policies, I want to say that this cat is way healthier than any patient in here.’ Gabe looked at the dark brown Persian cat and nodded. The fact that Theo had never used the sick card on him, helped. She used it on everybody else multiple times though. She felt a huge relief. She wasn’t sure Gabe would take her cat and she had no one else to trust the Bear with. ‘See ye around, Gabe. Wouldna call it a pleasant journey, but it surely was eventful’ - She rushed away. As fast as she could. She knew Gabe would understand that leaving the Bear behind was excruciating. It was way harder than dying. However, she stopped at the door, her hand on the handle. She realized she would hate herself if she didn’t at least turn back right now. Theo turned around for one last look at her cat. And like that, she was gone.

The tiny flat in the shithole neighborhood was gloomy and depressing. It was cluttered with medical supplies and reminded of a hospital room. Theo unlocked the door and stepped inside. It was the best time to be at home. Mom was at her friend’s attending the book club, which is a code for drinking wine and gossiping. Step-dick was at work, he was a security guard. Way before that he was in the army and later, for a couple years, he was a guard at the Buckingham Palace. Well, he was a clown the tourists came to photograph when the guards changed. Now he was a shadow of what he used to be. Now he had a pornstache, a beer belly and a look full of disappointment. So yes, this was the best time to leave. All those years she was fighting hard for her mother. She still remembered the worst time when nobody thought she would make it. She remembered her mom bending over and saying it was okay to let go. Basically, that was what Theo wrote in the note she put on the coffee table. It is okay to let go. She wanted some time for herself. Away from meds, tubes and needles. So, she took off her jacket and sat on couch. Theo tapped her finger on her ankle and felt the familiar hard surface of her prosthetic. She touched a tiny key hanging from her necklace. It was her TARDIS key. She would often touch it and think of the Doctor. At first, she expected to hear the woosh sound nearby, then things got worse and she stopped expecting it. Now she is better for a little while and she waits again. She rubbed her leg under her knee, where her leg ended, and carbon robotic limb started. She was used to it by now. Even to the stiffness of her stump. She needed a few minutes to get it all together. Her getaway bag was safely stashed at her friend’s. All her money was on her new personal account. The Bear was safe with Gabe. Seemed like all was set. She heard three distinct knocks on the door. Who would knock? Step-prick has a key. Mum always forgets her, but she never comes early from her book club. Most probably, the neighbor needs something again. Theo was up in a second, which took months to be able to do.
‘Aye, im comin.’ She opened the door and stood there shocked. He was different, obviously. But the look in his eyes was the same. She was different this time too. Way more hair, a little bit older and missing a leg. It was a couple years since she has last seen the Doctor. It probably was way less time for him. He is a Time Lord, after all. ‘This time, I have a condition. After we are done saving whoever needs saving, we are attending me funeral. Just to peek from afar. I want to see it.’ She grabbed her jacket from the hanger. She was ready for one last adventure. ‘Anyway, how did you end up so tiny? Is it hard flying TARDIS being so short? Maybe you need a nickname? Would be weird calling a wee lad the Doctor.’ - Theo loved talking, she was always talking. Specially now as she was excited for the journey. A girl who always knew she doesn’t have much time, and a man, well, currently a boy, who has all the time in the universe. They made a pretty good team. ‘Anyway, let’s go. I have one leg and I am faster than you’. She was already half way across the hallway. She felt alive, like she forgot. But she rarely forgets, she is just full of life, waiting for it to end.

[nick]Theo MacAlister[/nick][status]show must go on[/status][icon][/icon]



The Doctor grinned. He did not expect her to refuse his request, she was the only person he knew for sure would be there for him. He hesitated a bit before coming here but he knew she would come without even asking what it is required of her. Theo MacAlister had always been a girl with a shocking ability to throw herself in the middle of an adventure or a party with a smile on her lips and a sarcastic joke to top it with. She did not even ask what he wanted a hand with, she just signed up for it as if he asked her to feed his cat while he is on vacation. Well, that would probably be easier for him to do for her but he liked the human analogies.
'Aye,' he said mocking her manner of speech. 'You can see whatever you want, even if it is your own funeral.'
Not that he could understand such a desire. Looking at your own funeral is appealing, however, not the most pleasant experience in your life. Even if you know it will come rather sooner than later. He was looking at Theo for a second just to make sure she was alright but did not comment on that. He knew it was getting worse, he did not need to time-travel to know that or even come here to see her like that. He knew it back then, even though it did not seem to bother him at all. Now he felt weird. Not because she was missing her leg or because she did not look quite like Theo MacAlister he remembered, no. He felt like there was something he needed to pay attention before but he did not. 
'Sorry, could you ask whatever you asked again? I did not get it,' he replied to her sarcastic comment. 'The TARDIS is not as advanced to translate the language of your people.'
He slowed down without a second thought. He was young, at least anyone looking at him would say the same. However, with the regeneration to this form, he had lost a lot. He lost the adventurous spirit that drove him to explore different worlds just to have fun and learn more about the beautiful world around him. Dealing with the problems of the worlds became tiring, though he could not drop this and just enjoy himself. He felt obliged. He felt he was needed, even though sometimes he felt too tired to save a world once again. He felt old, and being a «wee lad» did not really help to fix it.
Ironic, he smiled to his thoughts. He liked the song, even though it was quite old for a lot of his companions. Did he ever ask Theo if she liked Alanis Morissette? Probably she would laugh at him for being 'such a lassie'.
They did not have to go far, he parked the TARDIS couple of blocks away just to enjoy the fresh air before visiting his friend. Theo moved fast like she was used to it. Seemed he clearly was gone for too long. He stopped in front of the TARDIS and gave Theo a long look.
'Will you do the honors?' he asked finally. 'And only when the doors were open, added, 'Welcome back.'
The TARDIS barely changed since last time Theo was there. It seemed weird to change it, even though he did it quite often after changing his personality. Now he was somehow conservative and preferred leaving everything as is. Moreover, he felt Theo needed something of old good times and he wanted to give it to her. She deserved it. Not because she was terminally ill, suffered a lot and even lost her leg, no. She always was more optimistic, more driven, more passionate then he was, even when he felt younger and better. Besides, the TARDIS loved her. That was the one and only thing one should consider when naming a good person.
The TARDIS gave Theo a warm welcome by humming like a small cat who finally had a chance to get to the knees of a long-lost owner. The flashes of all the lights the TARDIS could think of blinded him for a second.
'All right, all right, missy,' he smiled. 'Don't get that excited, we have work to do. Check the fastest way to the Aurora, will you? We are heading for the date I was there last. That would be much of a help.'
He came to the dashboard to get some of the big buttons pushed, however, the TARDIS was working already all by herself. He knew he could count on her. He turned to Theo and gave her the look. He did not know where to start. She was excited, and he was glad to see it. At the same time, he was afraid. He felt like saying some things out loud was much easier before, when they had a common adventure and they both were different. Theo maybe not so much, only on the outside. The Doctor became a whole new person since. Not that he liked it much but you cannot run from yourself even if you have a time machine.
'Grab something, for God's sake. Did you suddenly forget it is usually shaky?' he asked with a tone of a grandpa. 'I will do my best to be quick with the explanation. The Aurora is a planet in Tau Ceti constellation. Pretty similar to the Earth, to be frank. We are heading in the future, quite distant from your present, the planet has been colonized a couple of centuries after your generation. So, let's say, we are going far in the future.'
The TARDIS started the journey and he looked at the dashboard just to make sure everything is alright there.
'For the past five years, there has been a conflict between the government and the rebels. Classic story, one brother betrayed the other and got the throne first. The other one is leading the rebellion since. You probably watched a dozen films that started like this.'
He grinned.
'Yet, the one or the other side still cannot seize the victory. The fights are severe, they use whatever technology they can, seeking for allies on other planets or systems. People suffer, just ordinary people who try to leave their own lives on the planet being torn apart.
That was a pretty common scenario as well, Theo could have seen it just by pressing a button on remote control. All Earthern news programs were full of stories like this one.
'They have the weapon now. I mean, the government. They have the weapon that will ensure their victory over the rebellion. With that, they will probably erase the entire planet's population. Either they will be dead, or never existed. The best option for them is to spend the entire eternity trapped in nowhere. That might happen as well. The behavior of the weapon is unpredictable and it should be used only by one with clear thoughts.'
He knew what he was talking about. He knew how this weapon worked and how to use it for your own sake. He sighed.
'I was there. The planet is in pretty bad shape but that is not my only concern. There are other planets in the same system that will be affected. Possibly, it will be the last century of their existence. Moreover...'
It was suddenly harder to breathe. The Doctor felt uncomfortable but at the same time, he felt the urge to tell it out loud. To someone who would not be judging and who knows about his past. About the Time War and how it ended. About his inner demons. Someone he could confide in. Theo was right there, listening, and he did not want to keep her waiting for too long.
'I was asked to help before but I did not,' he finally said. 'I was tired. I felt old. I refused, and now I have to deal with the consequences of my decision. I have to finish it before it got everyone killed.'  [icon][/icon][nick]The Doctor[/nick][status]to infinity and beyond[/status]

Отредактировано Eddie Fawcett (2019-02-19 02:17:21)



She knew the desire to see her own burial was weird, but it was what she wanted. Theo needed to see it and she had no idea why. Maybe she wanted to know if people she left were okay. Maybe she wanted to see it was really over with her own eyes. Or maybe she wanted to be the only living person who got to see their funeral. The reason didn't matter. What mattered is that she had a completely formed intention of doing it. And if Theo MacAlister wanted to do something, she would do it no matter what. Besides living longer then she was supposed to. She has come to terms with death and wasn't scared of it. At least right now. Every time before surgery there was a moment before the drugs kicked in. The moment when she would feel she was about to pass out. At that exact moment Theo always would pretend that that was it. It was her dying. She would take a deep breath, close her eyes and imagine herself turning off the switch.
‘Oi, since when you have a problem with me being a Scot?’ She gave him a perfect impression of a common London accent. ‘Alright, if you prefer, I will rephrase it as I was a Brit’. She coughed to get a hang of it. She needed an anchor that would help her to push away her own manner of speech and adapt a new one. ‘Doctor, would you rather need me to call you by any other name as common people would not understand why one would call a child the Doctor’. She chose the posh English. The exact tone and manner as Gabe spoke with. Theo was always good at impersonating voices. Probably because it was difficult to have much fun in the hospitals and stealing voices seemed like not such a bad idea to spend some time. Theo slowed down a bit, so she would walk alongside the Doctor. She looked excited and ready for whatever came next. For some reason she has never felt scared on their adventures, not even once. Maybe it was a side effect of dying faster than everyone else. Or maybe it was just her being Theo. She shook her head, getting rid of those thoughts. Overanalyzing was bad, it was a path to the rabbit hole, and she was no Alice. She was Theo and she was about to embark on an amazing journey with her friend. Well, friends, if you would count the Tardis in. As soon as she saw the familiar box with that gorgeous shade of blue, she rushed towards it. Theo put her palm right on the sign. She missed it a lot. She didn't even know it before she saw the Tardis standing here.
‘Hello, old friend’ She whispered and smiled to herself.
‘Ye bet, lad’. Now she would call him the lad on purpose. Theo smiled at the Doctor and took off the necklace. The key she had has got some scratches on it. A courtesy of her mum who threw all her daughter's clothes in the monster machine at the laundromat.
Theo opened the Tardis as it was her own flat. Damn, she liked the Tardis way more than she liked her flat. She stepped in and felt at home. Suddenly all her worries were gone, left in the past. She forgot she was about to run away somewhere nice to have some time for herself, away from all the people who were so scared to raise a voice in her presence as she would die right on the spot. Well, besides her stepdick of course. After her second round of chemo, when she was feeling like she was something a cat would spit out, he told her to get over it. Like that was even possible. The least she made herself do was getting used to it. So anyway, Tardis made her feel like she belonged. She walked around it, slightly touching the wall with her fingertips.
‘Aye, a home it is’. She smiled. Her eyes were lit with excitement and suddenly she looked exactly like she was before. A lass who was ready for anything that could happen. So she was. Doctor didn't seem to care about the whole dying thing, which Theo was eternally grateful for. She was okay to talk about it. To talk, not to listen to the stupid condolences and other crap people say when they have zero clue of what they should say. Theo didn't care about the dying thing. It was something that was a part of her life and it was her normal.
‘I’m part android now. Ye dinna think I can take on a little turbulence?’ She rolled up her jeans showing off the badass carbon leg, a courtesy of her insurance and Gabe who helped her to deal with the insurance. The prosthetic looked like something from the sci-fi movie. Also, it has a spacey print on it, a courtesy of the personal customization option at the prosthetic company. All those fancy things made the life a whole lot easier, but no piece of tech would make you forget that’s it’s just plastic, metal and other things.
‘Sounds like a plan’, she smiled at him, ready to dive right into action. There is that stupid stigma she always hated. People think that dying people are reckless because they have got nothing to lose. Quoting Theo, it is bullshit. They have got to lose way more than others because don’t have much time left and they know it. So, they are always in a rush, chasing not death, but experience. They want to do more before the death finally sneaks up on them to tap them on a shoulder saying “oi, mate, it’s time to go now”.
Theo had to grab onto some metal thingie to not to fall on the floor. Well, as always, the Doctor was right. Tardis has a unique personality and she is quite shaky.
‘We shall destroy the Death Star’, she referenced one of her favorite films, ‘Look, you ‘ave been wandering about, saving them all. Even those who deserved no saving. If ye ask me, what matters isn’t a mistake, it’s what ye do ‘bout it. So, we will rush in, in this glorious blue box. A wee lad, a cripple and one glowing stick that dinna have any resemblance to a screwdriver. I say, our success has been fated’. Theo spoke with a serious voice. A voice some movie hero would use to give a battle speech before the suicide mission, but her eyes were laughing making it clear she was taking the piss.
‘We do the usual? Just wing it because plans are for suckers?’ Theo was used to it. She never had a plan because she never felt like she needed one. When Gabe gave her two years, it was like: “Okay, I have two more birthdays and a dying wish I will spend on something cool” Then she has got more time and it was: “Nevermind, I will get old enough to get to drive a car”. Then it was even more time, every time. She got to graduate high school. Well, technically she watched the graduation ceremony via Skype as she was recovering. And she also missed the prom, but still. Now she knew applying to universities was pointless, pumping poison into her body was pointless too, so, before the Doctor came back, her plan was to run away. That was about it. Just to run, no destination, no plan. She liked the unexpected.

[nick]Theo MacAlister[/nick][status]show must go on[/status][icon][/icon]



It felt like good old times. Like there was no parting of the ways, nothing was lost in the meantime, everything stayed the same. Except it did not. The Doctor changed, a lot. Theo changed, he did not know how much. He desperately wanted to feel the same way it felt before that is why he was trying to keep the conversation going as if nothing happened and they just met like they had met any other day in the past before going on a glorious adventure to see the world in all its beauty.
Except they did not.
'I don’t,' he could not help but laugh. 'TARDIS does.'
He lied. The TARDIS loved Theo with all her accent, being a Scot, desire to attend her own funeral. Her strength. Her compassion. Her ability to laugh at the darkest of times. The TARDIS loved her, and so did the Doctor. He used to say the TARDIS could not forget Theo because she bribed her but it was not true, and he knew it. The TARDIS felt people that needed her and, the Doctor thought, each time she found her way to them so they could travel together. With the lost boy whom she had chosen one day, even if calling him a boy in his first incarnation was harder than understanding Theo’s accent. Now it would be more appropriate.
'I tell them my parents are very hopeful of my future,' he smirked. 'And I just prepare for my bright future when I am addressed like that. We are not going to see a lot of people anyway, Theo. Not the ones interested in our stories.'
He got serious all of a sudden, right in the middle of the sentence. He did not want to get into the details just yet but he would have to very soon. He wanted to avoid the moment when he had to be honest with Theo and tell her everything, every little detail about him being a coward and ruining lives of the others. Innocent people. She would not approve of that, would she? He was afraid she would look at him in a very certain way, and he would know they are not going anywhere; Theo is not going anywhere. Not with him. Not like that. He wanted too much of her, he knew that, but he hoped she would understand. If anyone on this planet, it would be Theo MacAlister.
'I won't mention how old I am just not to brag, gal,' he rolled his eyes. Even though he was in a boy’s body, he felt old. Older than he ever felt before in his entire life, and boy it was long. He knew Theo did not get enough time even as a human being, and he got so much more. For what? Was it worth it? No, was he worth it? He watched Theo open the TARDIS’s door and hid the smile in a quick cough. Boy, he missed it. Every one of his companions was different, they were never the same to him. The Doctor had a lot of them, he did not even want to count how many, but all of them were different. Brilliant. Smart. Special. To him, always. The TARDIS always opened her doors for them, and he was always ready to welcome them. He felt the warmth in his heart when Theo was walking around the TARDIS, getting the feeling of being there back. He missed her being there. He missed this. He would not tell her, he just could not find the words but he felt it.
And he knew it could end. Maybe later, maybe right know when he talks. It could and it would, at a certain moment of time in the future. Being pessimistic is inevitable when you live long enough.
He was not very impressed with Theo’s new leg but looking at her shiny face gave him the strength to keep the comment to himself. People of her time were not that advanced technology wise, and he could have found her the better replacement, more advanced, with more features. But would she want it? Where had he been when she needed it in the first place?
'Fantastic,' he nodded. The word tasted familiar as if he was used to saying it before. There were so many things he could not recall, it felt weird. Fantastic. Yes, definitely, he said it many times before.
Telling her what happened and why he had to be involved, felt relieving. After he finished talking, he felt as if the huge stone had fallen from his shoulders, the one he was holding all the time, unbeknownst to himself. At the same time, he was nervous. What would she say? But Theo did not judge him. He was the one who could not justify himself. But her joke set the tone, and the Doctor felt relieved. He felt as if everything was alright and they got this, they can do it. Like they always did. Theo was serious, but he could feel the usual Theo MacAlister vibes even in her tone, not mentioning her eyes flashing with joy and amusement, and it gave him comfort. It gave him hope he could fix it. He would fix it.
'Sounds like a plan,' he echoed her earlier words. 'Let’s get down to business then. We've got things to do.'
He frowned giving her the look. The look meant she said something very true but very inappropriate to say out loud. Probably, she should get used to the boy giving her all kinds of looks because the Doctor became very fond of them lately.
'Yeah, plans are for suckers,' he said, not able to find better words. 'Let’s go.'
He opened the door and stepped out of the TARDIS without even looking around. He was so used to it that he was not even bothered. The TARDIS’s door closed behind their backs. They were in a very small room that looked like the warehouse, clogged with the boxes. He could see the wires, the parts from the mechanisms and even the guns but was not interested.
'We are inside the station that has the machine,' he explained. 'We need to find our way to the control room and see what we can do from there. I don’t have any building plans so we have to be careful.'
He gave Theo the look again, now expressing that he really meant it. He moved to the door but before opening it, he turned around to see his companion.
'And Theo, I need you to promise me that whatever happens, you will finish this. Even if it means alone.'
He did not want to speak about it, he never did, however, it just slipped. He did not even need her response, but he wanted to make sure she understands how much it meant to him. It always did, but today was something different. It was his fault, and he needed to finish this no matter what. What old friends are for anyway, right?[icon][/icon][nick]The Doctor[/nick][status]to infinity and beyond[/status]



She felt it all over again, that half forgotten feeling of an adventure. The truth was, Theo has never felt as alive as she did in such moments. The Doctor first came into her life when she was in a very bad place. The place that reeks of a lack of meaning. Yes, such things have a smell. To her, it smelled of hospitals. God, she hated that smell. It always meant her clock was ticking. If she closed her eyes she could almost hear it. The clock. But she was fine with it. Living on borrowed time meant she saw the world in a different way, she was excited for the things that casual people thought were just normal. Life almost seemed like a video game. Everything was an achievement to look forward to. Everything was important. The Doctor came and swiped everything away, so every trip she took with him was special. No matter how dangerous it was, Theo always has been grateful.
‘Ye sound like Downton Abbey.’ She laughed and looked at the Doctor. The way he talked was different. It's like he was still the same, but at the same time, was somebody unfamiliar. Hard to explain, but Theo felt both as if she knew him for ages and as if she has just met him a few minutes ago.
‘Oi, don’t take the piss, Tardis loves me and you are just jealous.’ She said with a laugh. Theo was brutally honest about some things and unbelievably unserious about others. At her first day of high school when it was the time to introduce herself to the class she said she was dying, then, laughing, added “faster than everyone else in the room”. That was the main reason why she had friends at school and wasn’t just some weird cancer kid. She has been like this for as long as she could remember. She was like this when she first met the Doctor, and she is like this right now.
‘Only posh people are that hopeful for their offspring’s future. I dinna like posh people. Usually.’ The only posh person she actually liked was Gabe because he seemed real, and all those posh kids at her school cared only about what car they were gonna get. Good thing that her school didn't have that many posh kids. Probably because the neighborhood was shit. ‘Come on, Benjamin Button, relax. The older looking ye was more fun. Ye dinna ‘ave to be all grumpy.’ Her eyes were glowing in excitement. She forgot all her troubles, or she refused to care anymore. ‘Or ye will get grounded, laddie’, it will never get boring, making fun of the fact that she looked way older than him. However, one glimpse at his eyes and it was obvious, he was older, wiser and, perhaps, more damaged in some ways.
She followed the Doctor out of the blue police box and looked around. It was some sort of alien warehouse, but Theo was excited as she saw a miracle, not a tiny room full of boxes. She walked around and tried to open them. Curiosity killed a cat, but Theo was not a cat, and she had one root in the grave anyway, so who cared f a box was booby-trapped. Theo certainly did not. The first box that was not locked contained some sort of a spacesuit. Maybe it was a uniform, or something else, but to Theo, it looked like a spacesuit.
‘Im always careful’, she said with a smile that made it clear Theo was lying. Sort of. She would never jeopardize the quest or put anyone in danger, but if it meant she had to put herself on the line in order to do something good, she would do it. No questions asked. Theo listened to the Doctor. Suddenly she was serious, even the way she looked at him changed. That was a rare sight, the serious Theo. But the things the Doctor said required a response. And she had to be truthful and mean it.
‘I promise. I will make it ‘appen even if tis the last thing I do.’ She doesn’t add that it probably will be the last meaningful thing she does. Its okay. Death is okay, it would mean no more. No more pain, meds, and struggle. It would mean peace. Not just for her, for everyone around her. After she is gone, they can get their lives back on track. And that was a good thing. Well, Theo was not religious in any way, she thought death is just the end. Huge nothingness, the void. Probably she was too skeptic about it. Not everyone appreciated when on Halloween she dressed up as death, corpse, zombie or a ghost. It's their problem they have no sense of humor.
‘Look, ye are old. Like, ancient old. No offense, eh. Probably ye have lost more people than ye can count or even remember. But I need ye to promise me something too.’ She takes a deep breath. The conversation with Gabe was way harder. Not because she cared about Gabe more, because she had to leave Bear behind. Damn, she loved that damn cat. Might seem silly to some, but knowing that someone is there, waiting for you and depending on you and looking at you without that “she’s dying” look in the eyes, was important and kept her sane. ‘If I dinna make it... Lets be real here for a second, okay? Yes, I dinna have long, no need to tiptoe around it. I have made my peace, or whatever people call it. So, If something happens, I need ye to go back in time and get the other me to see it, the funeral. I still have no idea why I am fixated on this, maybe I just want to see for meself that its really over. Or maybe I want to see how many people show up and follow the rule of no bloody crying because I told them not to. Can ye do that for me?’ She mentioned nothing of a dying wish, she would never play that “can I have it because I will be dead soon” card on him. She respected him too much. Not that she dinna respect Gabe, but she had to twist his arm with the terminally ill move to make sure he would take Bear in. The thing with the Doctor was different. It was a chance to do something important, to leave a mark. Even if this mark is small and exists on another planet, eons from her timeline. Theo put her hand on the door that led out of this tiny storage room. She listened carefully, not only for what the Doctor was to say but to the world outside this door. There were no footsteps, no voices, just silence.

[nick]Theo MacAlister[/nick][status]show must go on[/status][icon][/icon] [sign] [/sign]



He was an old man, he had to be grumpy and mysteriously sad over the old times, suddenly falling into the meditation state of remembering everything that happened to him during his long and eventful life. A lot happened, and he even started to forget things. He had promised himself that he'd never forget people he traveled with. He'd carry their names with him until he'd run out of lives. Names were there, he could remember every one of them but the stories were the ones to fade away. In the end there was only an empty feeling of losing someone important whose name he could never forget. There was a feeling of great adventures that ended bitterly, and he could still feel the bitter taste in his mouth. Theo was one of the recent names, one of those he held dear to his heart but didn't he for all of them? Centuries passed faster than years and he couldn't stop them even if he tried. He was a time lord but in the end time was ruling over him, leaving him empty, broken, sad, and grumpy like an old man. He didn't want this but this was the circle of life, even if his last incarnation was a child whom Theo enjoyed mocking over.
Latest, of course. He meant the latest incarnation. Curse of the time lords.
Theo promised. He never doubted but felt relieved that she did. He knew she had her reasons not to be careful but he didn't want her life to end because of the wrong step. There were enough deaths he witnessed and he didn't need one more to be on the stupid side. Theo deserved to die a hero. He knew she wasn't supposed to, no one praised people dying from incurable diseases, but that's on humanity.
He watched Theo looking through the boxes. Doctor knew they wouldn't find anything of importance here, they needed to go through the whole ship before they can reach their destination. He knew there wouldn't be something dangerous as well, or at least hoped so. He wanted to remind her of her promise but made himself stop just not to be called old and grumpy again. Boy, that was not a nice thing to hear, even if he thought so himself.
'Hope it would not go to this,' he answered to her previous thought as if he did not hear her request that came later. He surely did, he just wanted some time to think of a proper answer. Theo asked this already twice today and it bothered him. The thought in the back of his head didn't want to stop bothering him and was causing a terrible headache. As if something he forgot a long time ago was trying to make its way out to the surface. Doctor looked at Theo again trying to catch the look in her eyes he could always catch before the end. Not sad, not at all. Resigned.
He felt he looked this way himself, too.
'I already told you, Theo, you can see your own funeral if that is what you desire. It is not what I would like to do, I will not lie, and it would not be pretty. So choose wisely. We do not want to traumatize the younger you, do we?'
He smiled but his smile faded immediately. Theo was looking at the door, Doctor was looking at something that lied behind it. The dangerous adventure he wanted to enjoy so bad as if it was his last chance. Maybe it was? He couldn't though. He felt worried, sad, anxious. He never got the feeling of burning desire to go somewhere for a very long time, why was it so important now?
'Alright, let's go,' he said and nodded at the door that opened with a quiet creak. It always fascinated him how even in the worlds with the greatest technology doors were still making noise. They entered an empty long corridor, no one seemed to be there. Doctor stepped forward, he was going to lead the way.
The station seemed suspiciously empty and quiet. People worked and lived there, he was sure there were troops everywhere but they couldn't see a living soul. Doctor felt sudden sting of an old friend paranoia. What if they were waiting for them, or someone else? They knew someone could come for the machine, and the easiest way to get them to the trap was to make them believe they almost succeeded. They didn't have a choice anyway, they needed to go further and find the way there, no matter what.
'Stay close to the walls, Theo,' he said. It wouldn't help her a lot but at least she would have a couple of additional minutes. They walked calmly further and further until they reached the end of the corridor. The door was massive but Doctor always had a way with doors. The sonic screwdriver felt heavy in his small hands but he still knew perfectly well how to use it. It's buzzing always made him feel better as if it could fix not only closed doors or busted locks but the rest of the things too. It clearly couldn't as when the door opened, the group of three very angry men met them on the other side.
'I wish the psychic paper would work on them,' he mumbled so only Theo could hear him. The men didn't talk. One just grabbed Theo's shoulder, the other twisted Doctor's arm, the third led the way. He should have known. Well, he did know, in fact. It was obvious something like this would happen.
'Try to remember the way. Do not play hero, Theo. Not now.'
Plans are for suckers but he just couldn't help thinking of one.
'Later,' he grinned. He knew she was going to keep her promise of 'no matter what'. It was not the time to die just yet.[icon][/icon][nick]The Doctor[/nick][status]to infinity and beyond[/status]



Theo was excited to be here, to be able to do something meaningful. To be honest, the excitement was her default state of mind. Everything was an adventure, but nothing could compare to her time with the Doctor. Theo saw the past, the future, and other worlds. She was incredibly lucky to have met him. Theo was lucky in many things. Despite everything that happened she was still alive. Her prosthetic leg didn’t give her much trouble, which by itself was a miracle. Every single amputee she knew had to get their carbon limbs constantly readjusted, had to deal with sores and other unpleasant things. Theo never had to go through something like this. For some stupid reason no matter how shitty everything was, things always worked out.

"Cheer up laddie", Theo smiled, "ye ken, last time we almost died, we might be dead tomorrow, but we are so lucky to be alive today. If ye ask me, tis totally worth it." She wouldn't claim to have come up with it herself, she has read it in one of the books. Theo was never a book worm, she preferred the internet. Video streaming, online chatrooms, and stuff like that. However, last time she was at the hospital she had discovered a very peculiar thing. There was a whole new world beyond Netflix. She stole someone’s “to be read” list and started pushing through it. Somewhere after chapter four or six she became amused, after chapter twelve she was deeply in love and after the first book Theo was like a heroin addict, but for books.

"She will be fine. Dinna fash it, Doc. Ye have a bigger chance traumatizing her with a roach than a funeral." She said it with a huge grin on her face. "That funeral will be amazing, I have left instructions for everyone." The grin became wider. Theo was infamous for being funny,  if the hooded figure with the scythe was real, she would crack a few jokes in its shadowed face before letting it claim her. Her family and friends got used to her being like this. At first, her mom tiptoed around her, but now she was okay talking about death without bursting into tears every time. The stepdouche was a different sort, Theo thought he lost a few marbles during his army ventures and those marbles contemplated for a sense of humor. He was sure his stepdaughter could just power through everything. What an idiot. You cant stop the storm by blowing harder, just like you can't avoid death by pretending it's not coming. Theo got along with just about anyone but him.
She stopped going through the boxes. There was nothing inside but dusty junk. Some scrap metal, a bunch of old wires, and a box of rusty screws. Theo managed to hold the sneeze and turned to the Doctor. She saw him no matter the face he wore. Even if he had been a middle-aged soccer mom with “Karen” haircut she would have recognized him. It was something in his eyes, they held cinders of centuries he lived, people he cared about, and wisdom he gathered. But recognizing him if he had an appearance of typical Karen in the wild would be somewhat challenging. Theo giggled at the thought and shifted her weight just a bit to stand more comfortably.
"Anyway, what ‘ave ye been up to? What with all the juvenile appearance?" Her voice was more of a whisper, the acoustics in these space ship tin cans was way too intense, so it was better to be careful. Theo was genuinely curious about him. There must have been a reason. That's the thing with the Doctor, everything about him seemed to have a reason, some deeper purpose, and whatnot. Humans were different, they had to make the best of the hand they were dealt and usually ended up screwing everything up. Theo was sure she would have screwed up big time if she had enough time to do so.
They left the room and she took a couple of seconds to stare at the long empty corridor. Where was everyone? She thought there must have been distant talking, loud steps, or some other noise. Theo sighed and moved closer to the wall. She brushed it with her shoulder as she started walking. It was cold and unpleasant.

"Oi, I'm trying, I'm not as sneaky as I used to be," she whispered through her teeth but made more effort to do as the Doctor asked. When they reached the door, which luckily was electronic, the Doctor was not that good with simple locks, Theo froze, waiting for it to open. It didn't take long. When it was done she startled for a moment then smiled at the men inside. Her smile turned into a grin when one of the men grabbed her shoulder.
"Bad way to treat guests. Ye should visit me grandda, he would teach ye some highland hospitality", she said, staring right in the face of her captor. What she said was a fact, not a threat. Highlanders had traditions and one of those traditions is a pact between a host and a guest. True scot would never harm a guest, although at times it was a regrettable decision. She vaguely remembered the story of how one Scottish clan extended their hospitality to British soldiers who spent nearly two weeks under their roof. Then by the order of their king, they slaughtered everyone under seventy years old. British regimen had some other Scottish clan under their command and to this day those two clans hate each other.
Theo wasn't scared, she trusted the doctor so she turned her face to him and nodded. She wasn't going to do anything stupid. She might, but not now. It's not like she had a plan to die with glory. She had a plan to help the Doctor in any way she could. Even it would be the last thing she would do.
Keeping up was a little hard, the men were walking too fast so Theo had to pay attention to every step she made. She had no intention of falling down. In normal situations she didn't even bother, Theo spent a lot of time learning to walk again and succeeded. She had a little limp, but that was it. However, in normal situations, nobody was digging fingers into her shoulder and nobody was pushing her forward. Their perfect plan to wing it has got a wee bit complicated. As usual. Her previous adventure with the Doctor proved to be not as simple too. Not that it bothered her in any way. This was still an adventure, they were trying to do something meaningful and in her book, it was all worth it.
[nick]Theo MacAlister[/nick][status]show must go on[/status][icon][/icon]



Well, at least it was something that sounded exactly like Theo MacAlister. Theo might have changed a bit since they had seen each other last time but she was sure as hell the same Theo he knew. That was reassuring, to say the least. Doctor needed something, someone, from his old self to keep him sane and show him the right way. He didn't trust the new self, not anymore. Not after he allowed him to let all those people down by staying out of this. He was the Doctor, he was saving the universe not just watching it die. How could he forget that?
So, he promised her a funeral. The funeral. He wasn't sure there will be the Doctor to show young Theo her own funeral after all this but he wanted to believe he'll live to that. She needed someone by her side while going through this. Even though he did not get any instructions on how to behave when the inevitable happens.
'Wouldn't lie, it stings,' he said as if Theo could read his mind and knew what he was talking about. He didn't comment on that continuing through their little journey and trying to be as careful as he could. Theo didn't mind, though. She was probably used to him falling out of conversations and falling back in when prompted with the right question. Like the one she asked, about how he ended up in a body of a young boy.
'I cannot control it, you know that. Regeneration takes me to a different form randomly, no time lord knows why they end up being male or female, an old man or a child. My next form can be an infant or a dinosaur, for all I know.'
He suddenly felt the amusement of old times when he felt so much younger and looked so much older. When he and Theo were a team. Not that they were not a team now but it was more like a throwback to old good times. Times that passed.
'Either is not the best option for piloting TARDIS, though,' he grinned.

He continued thinking over the best options they had when they were captured. Doctor was just following the three lads who didn't look friendly at all. They were probably taking them to the airlock or somewhere they can immediately take care of them, and that was not about being great hosts for a welcome party. Doctor knew it was time to move on with the plan, even if they didn't have any. He looked at the guy who was holding him a little too strong for a guy holding a child. Probably, they already know who he is, or maybe they are just too cautious. That was understandable but not very convenient for the intruders.
'You need to tell your boss we are here,' he said. 'He will know we have a lot to offer.'
More likely he would want to kill them, though. In any case, if the guys are stupid enough, they will end up at the place where Doctor wanted to be. At the heart of the base, right in front of the person that every spy on that base wanted to avoid. Doctor knew if they wanted to do what they needed to, they had to be at the heart of it, right next to danger. The guy holding him didn't look at him but his arm shook a little bit when Doctor mentioned their boss. Good sign.
'So will you do yourself a favour and get us to your boss?' he asked as if he was in control of the situation. 'Or will you continue with whatever plan you have and end up like those poor guys who didn't recognize the leader of the opposition and threw him out in space?'
The guy leading the way stumbled. Doctor knew he just pushed the right button.
'You know who she is, right?' he continued and immediately knew it worked. They didn't know but didn't want to take the risk and end up in an airlock themselves.
They changed the course and after a couple of minutes of endless grey corridors, they were thrown into the small room that was almost empty. There was a nice comfortable chair behind an empty desk right near the door, a big grey box standing at the opposite wall and an unusual lamp that looked familiar but Doctor could not remember where he had seen it. They were not left alone but only the guy who had grabbed Theo stayed in the room, the other two left.
'Theo, I need you to get out and find the control room. We saw it on the way here,' he murmured. 'There's a computer there. The one you need to destroy.'
She didn't have any reason not to trust him, he would probably trust himself as well at this point. But he was lying. The big grey box to the right of them was the mechanism they were looking for. The computer at the control room was the perfect bait for those who didn't know what it truly was. Destroying the computer would not bring an end to the device, just trigger the security alarm. Unfortunately, Doctor knew this not because he was smart and figured it out all by himself. Someone's life was taken for him to learn this.
'This is it,' he said. 'You will need a sonic screwdriver. Just point and... Well, you know what to do.'
He knew she did.
'There will be guards so run to the TARDIS after you destroy the computer.'
He felt their guard was watching them closely and immediately changed the topic.
'Let's get you to a chair. Your leg probably needs rest,' he said loudly. The guard looked at him but didn't say a word. Doctor took Theo's arm and walked her to a chair, helping her seat. The guard didn't do anything, probably just tried to figure out who Theo was. That was the plan.
'It's in my pocket,' Doctor whispered. He was so short he did not even have to lean in to say that, and Theo could grab the screwdriver without the guy at the door seeing it. She did have only a couple of seconds, though, before the door opened again and they saw the boss Doctor claimed they wanted to see.
'Who are they?' he asked looking at Doctor and Theo. Of course, he didn't know. Doctor looked at Theo one last time and smiled warmly.
'Be careful,' he said.
Then he turned to the man who wanted to destroy the planet.
'I am the Doctor.'
Before the man could answer, they heard the rumble followed by the noise in the corridors. It was getting louder and louder making the guard very nervous.
'What do you want, Doctor?' the man asked. He didn't look very happy, probably didn't expect to see him after rumours of the retirement and not helping anyone anymore.
'I am here to save a world or two,' he said.
The door suddenly opened. Something was happening on the base, people were running and shouting. Doctor heard guns but was not sure he didn't imagine it. The guard went out of the room and never came back, probably run away from the mess or joined it, making it only worse.
'Theo,' he said not even looking at her. She knew what to do.
As for himself, he had the final boss who was getting the gun out of his pocket and the machine to destroy. And finally being a little boy paid off. Doctor was faster than the man in front of him. He jumped at him and fought for the lives of those whom he already betrayed once. He just needed a little time and a free hand to destroy the machine but first Theo needed to be out of there. [icon][/icon][nick]The Doctor[/nick][status]to infinity and beyond[/status]



Glancing at her surroundings Theo looked into herself and suddenly realized there was nothing but pure curiosity. The shiny metal carcass of the structure had her wondering about how it was all holding up. There had to be hundreds of people designing places like this, making them safe and survivable. Millions of things could go wrong at any point in time. While not being the smartest she had always been no stranger to science fiction. Theo imagined there was temperature, pressure, gravity, some weird space energy, and who knows what. She would like to be smart enough, maybe in time she could have been, but time was something she didn't have. If the situation was different she would be rambling, asking a hundred questions a minute, and trying to touch everything in her vicinity. Theo looked even deeper, trying to find fear, that cold sticky dread that should be slowly sneaking up on her like some ethereal spectral figure creeping behind and extending a long skeletal arm trying to squeeze her shoulder. Nothing. There was no fear. She shrugged. It would probably appear when the time would come and she will deal with it then. Theo had a long time to process what was inevitably coming and decided she will not be scared until she absolutely had to be. Fear for the unknown is common for all humans, but that fear walked hand in hand with curiosity, like a high stake poker game. Go all in and find out what awaits you.
'Ye always find way to some companion to hang out with. I'm sure there would be some slightly mad nanny to carry around a talking intelligent weird baby'. Corners of her lips turned into a half-smile before becoming a mischievous grin she used to have before. In the last couple years, only a handful of people saw her grin. Those were people who treated her the same. A couple of friends that would yell out to move her ass faster when she started to drag behind a bit. Gabe, who helped her deal with everything and made her believe she was as capable as any other human. The Doctor who showed her the miracles she couldn't even dream of.
'Oi, shut it lad, a dino would be perfectly capable to push buttons and pull levers.' Theo made a quick performance on how T-Rex would clumsily operate the TARDIS.
'I dinnae think it's random. There is nothing random. One thing triggers another, one consequence leads to the next one and so on. If he ask me, random doesn't exist. Just another excuse for when people cant explain something, ye know, like religion and stuff like that.' She shrugged her shoulders and made some effort to walk a bit faster, not breaking her sneaky pace. Back home she would get exhausted after a short while, but here, on an adventure, she was surprisingly full of energy. The excitement seemed to give her that extra boost and she didn't think of her disadvantages that much.
The men seemed rough and serious with uninviting faces and harsh eyes. It somewhat reminded her of her stepdad. His years being a royal guard made him seem more like a brainwashed drill Sargeant than a human. Probably he meant well, but Theo had a huge problem with authority. She never kept a rule book near and barked back at him every time he tried to lay down rules or order her around. They were led through the corridors. Theo tried to memorize the way, searching for something that would help her distinct between similar paths. She always had a pretty good memory, even though nobody knew this. Sometimes she liked to have a way out of something by just saying she forgot, got distracted and didn't remember it was creepy uncle Bob's birthday so she wouldn't have to call him.
'Look, lad, we are all eventual ghosts. If ye leave me out of this, I will haunt you forever.' She leaned in a little bit and gave him that look that said "if you fuck me over, there will be consequences". Thoe trusted him more than anybody else, but she also developed a habit of picking up on the signs when people tried to be extra nice to her just because she wasn't as capable. If something could really piss her of that would be it. Theo hated when others felt sorry for her and treated her like she was made out of delicate glass. Pity was the worst. Maybe they tried to be nice, but Theo saw only disrespect. She clenched her teeth and backed off a little. The metal all around her started to seem like thick walls of a lead casket. The thought crawled in, digging its sharp and cold claws into her. This could be it, the last place she would ever see. If she actually does what she was told and it is exactly what is needed, there is no way to know how things turn out. The Doctor might be captured trying to hold the crew off. If he is sending her on a wild goose chase to try and take care of the problem himself, he would put himself in even more danger. He is the Doctor, wise, smart, and incredible. However, he is locked inside a young boy's body. They could easily restrain him. In scenario one she would be okay even with the worst outcome. Scenario two would be a pointless attempt to delay the inevitable. Without the Doctor, she would be stuck here. A slim chance of her outrunning the guards wouldn't be of any good. Even if she did get to the TARDIS in time she wouldn't leave Doctor behind.
The time came to show a little skill. Theo's hand quickly reached into Doctor's pocket and grabbed the device. In a split second, the screwdriver was in her own jacket pocket as it was always there. She was proud of her pickpocketing skills. Nobody knew this, but every other month she was stealing stepdouche's apartment keys and throwing them into the old well in her friend's backyard.
'Aye, 'tis much better.' Theo extended her fake leg and rubbed the knee. It did hurt a little, no more than usual though. Familiar discomfort made her clench her jaw. She nodded and gave the Doctor that look again. Then her facial expression changed into something accepting and she prepared herself to dart out of the chair, evade the guards, and get out of the door. For the first time in her life she felt regret about ditching all those soccer practices she told her mom she still attended when her leg wasn't considered a "medical waste".
The man that came in looked even less friendly than those guards. Theo felt chills run down her spine. His icy eyes demanded explanations and Theo took a deep breath, preparing. She wasn't a fast runner, but she was quick in her own way.
'Here comes nothin'. In a split second, she was already up. Her eyes darted across the room evaluating her surroundings. She dashed to the side then rushed to the door, bumping into the boss man on her way out. Theo found herself in the hallway. Distant yells followed gunshot flashes. Something was happening and she was running toward it. Running was putting a strain on her knee. Somewhere deep in her mind, she heard Gabe telling her that this one wasn't made for running. Then she heard her own voice telling him that they would have to see about that. No matter how stubborn Theo was, Gabe was right. There was no joint between foot and ankle, hence, no running. She slowed down to a power walk right before the door. If she remembered correctly, it was the one Doctor told her to go to. Gunshot sounds became more clear, distance between her and action was getting smaller. Theo pointed the sonic screwdriver to the lock and pressed the button. A familiar sound emitted from the device, then something clicked and the door was unlocked. Theo hastily opened it wide enough to squeeze through and closed it behind her. She took a moment to close her eyes and make a few deep breaths.
[nick]Theo MacAlister[/nick][status]show must go on[/status][icon][/icon]


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